FOURIER, Théorie des Quatre Mouvemens, 1808
FOURIER, Charles.
Théorie des Quatre Mouvemens et des Destinées Générales. Prospectus et Annonce de la Découverte.
Leipzig [Lyon], [Pelzin], 1808.
8vo (205x128 mm), (4)-425-(3) pages. The folding table is missing. binding : Contemporary quarter calf, gilt flat spine. Later binding. Binding rubbed. Waterstains at the bottom of the book.

First edition.
Founding work of Fourierism. It is in this book that Charles Fourier sets out for the first time his theories on the organization of human societies. Discoveries, which, according to him, is on a par with Newton's theory of gravitation. They must lead Humanity to a state of universal Harmony.
Some handwritten corrections.
Bound with is a rare brochure by Fourier:
[FOURIER], Mnémonique géographique ou méthode pour apprendre en peu de leçons la géographie, la statistique et la politique. Paris, Impr. Carpentier-Méricourt, [1824]. 15-(1) pages.
"Brand-new views on the teaching of one of the positive sciences, formerly cultivated, that Fourier was most fond of. The procedures he indicates, and particularly that of the Theory of Causes in Creation, are related to his system of Universal Unity. This piece is very curious. " (notice from the 'catalogue raisonné de l'école sociétaire', 1842).
references: En Français dans le texte [218 :" Fourier, penseur de la Vie, heureuse et libre est un précurseur de notre société et un prophète de son avenir"], Del Bo [p. 5, 6].
Price : 2000 €